
First I teach, then I knit

About Me

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I am a Mother of three, wonderful, grown children. I have been a widow since 2006. I teach in an all boy International School in Tokyo. I knit for therapy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Going On

What's going on? These three words can have multiple meanings.
What's happening: Negative...yelled in a reactionary voice
Inquisitive: just catching up with someone...said in a hey, I really missed you voice
Moving forward: becoming unstuck...strong voice...can't believe in the change of situations
Totally clueless: living in a foreign country...bewilderment state of being...can't even say it.

I like it.
Steve is experiencing "What's going on?" moments.  He has waited and worried about getting a job for two summers. Now, in an instant, he's heading to teach in China. This question will be repeated many, many times. Hopefully, the answers will be gentle and he'll experience some grand things.

My son is off to see the World for himself and ask: Hey, what's going on?

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