Most of it is admittedly my school stuff. Being a teacher for 20 years and changing schools, has added up to a huge pile of stuff. I wanted a less crowed classroom, so opted to set up a section of my garage for my stuff. Don't know how to describe it, other than stuff. It will be organized by months and themes with-in the months. It will be so much easer to access, and lesson planning can be done at home instead of after-hours at school when the janitor threatens to throw me out. I am actually excited about organizing my stuff. My mind churns with great ideas for the upcoming school year.
The other stuff, is the history of our family. Sadly, we had to sell our home in Nampa, and all the stuff has been shifted around for almost 5 years. I have slowly gone through it, but now I am down to the nitty gritty hard stuff. Anne has a pile of 6 tubs, but claims she doesn't have anything here. Steven's pile is less than that, mostly mission stuff and some old clothes. Kasen's stuff is from his room and is awaiting his return from his mission for him to sort through.
The hard stuff, is stuff that came from our much larger house. Memories contained in boxes. Hard stuff that I really don't want to face. Some are pleasant to sort through, others are harder to deal with. John's stuff shows up here and there and it is very hard to look at. I have to deal with it at some point. Perhaps some would say it is "therapeutic". I would say, I have had enough therapy for a lifetime, thanks. Move on. Chasing history, organizing piles of stuff so the next generation can have their turn at the memories of it all.