
First I teach, then I knit

About Me

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I am a Mother of three, wonderful, grown children. I have been a widow since 2006. I teach in an all boy International School in Tokyo. I knit for therapy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Missing the Singer of My Songs

The other night, I found myself at a rather large dinner table. There were 4 Elderly, Silver haired couples and me. It was very difficult to sit there listening to their chatter. Their history together, their inside jokes and jabs. When I was small, I sat at similar table, headed by my Grandparents. They were the stable column of our family. Sitting at Sunday Night's table, made me grieve over what is lost. I shall never have that history with my spouse, the longevity of marriage, inside jokes and jabs. Fond reminiscences of our shared lives. I grieve for the loss of what could have been. I had a spouse who was the Singer of my songs. He got me. We had inside jokes and jabs. We had a history of stories involving children and careers and religion. Topics that make up a lifetime of living together. Almost 30 years worth. He sang my songs, he sang to me his songs and together, we lived quite a harmonious life. It may have ended on a sour note, but that was just temporary. The symphony in general was sweet. I lost him too young. I miss his songs, I miss his melodies. I miss his rhythm. I miss him