
First I teach, then I knit

About Me

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I am a Mother of three, wonderful, grown children. I have been a widow since 2006. I teach in an all boy International School in Tokyo. I knit for therapy.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Difference a Year Makes!

Wow, I forgot, or more honestly, neglected this blog because I was distracted by life. I ended my teaching career in Idaho, spent the summer getting ready for Kasen and Jenn's wedding, and my move to Japan to teach in August. Thus is goes. My life here is so simple. I have a tiny, yet efficient apt. 2 doors down from my brother Mike and Pat. It is in a quiet part of Tokyo called Yoga, in Setagaya-ku. It is one train stop away from my school, sans a 10 minute walk up a monster hill. Teaching in an all boys school is a delight. No, really, I love it. They are great boys, try hard, work hard, well behaved, a Teacher's dream. My transition to this new life has been seamless, with Mikes'help. My experience with the Branch has been sweet, just what I needed. The Lord has put people in my path that have been helpful, caring and nurturing. I love those who are in my life. Pres. Nagano has listened to me and my story and has been with me every step of the way. May 13 will be my date of renewal. My Temple recommend renewal. It's been a long year, but worth the journey and wait. I have come to know my Savoir well. I have cried a mighty river of tears. I have felt the Savior wrap his arms around me. I have felt the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I have felt the understanding of a Loving Father in Heaven. Blessings abound. Life is sweet. I am at peace.

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